Oklahoma City Child Support Lawyer
Competent Legal Representation for Parents in Oklahoma
Parents have a duty to care for their children both physically, emotionally, and financially. Every child deserves this care and it is widely accepted by experts that children who benefit from the care of both parents do better in school, in life, and in their future as more stable adults. To ensure that children are financially supported by both parents in Oklahoma, child support laws have been established by the state. These laws provide guidelines for how support is determined, how long it remains, and for enforcement of payment.
What is the Max Child Support in Oklahoma?
Oklahoma's maximum child support guideline schedule is $15,000 per month in total combined AGI. Child support is calculated using the maximum from the guideline schedule plus "an extra amount determined by the court" for parents who make more than that.
As a parent of a minor child, you do not have the option of waiving your obligation to provide this support. At Mazaheri Law Firm, we represent parents on this issue. Whether you are seeking child support payments, contesting the amount of payment you will be required to pay, or seeking to have this support enforced or modified, we can help. Our Oklahoma City child support attorneys are well-versed in the laws pertaining to this issue and how courts and governmental agencies operate on the matter. As a firm that handles family law, we have successfully represented countless parents on all aspects of child support throughout the greater Oklahoma City area.
Ready to Discuss Your Child Support Case? Contact Us Today!
When Can Child Support Be Modified in Oklahoma?
In Oklahoma, child support orders can be modified when there is a material change in circumstances. These changes can include:
- An increase or decrease in the needs of the child
- An increase or decrease in the income of the parents
- Incarceration of a parent for more than 180 consecutive days
- A verified permanent medical disability of either parent
- A court-ordered custody change
- A change in daycare or medical insurance
The review and modification process can take up to 180 days to complete.
Do You Have to Pay Child Support if You Have 50/50 Custody in Oklahoma?
In Oklahoma, the higher earner pays child support to the lower earner in a 50/50 split in parenting time. However, if the parties have the same or similar income and you have 50/50 time, there would be no child support obligation.
Do You Have to Pay Child Support if You Have 50 50 Custody in Oklahoma?
In Oklahoma, the higher earner pays child support to the lower earner in a 50/50 split in parenting time. However, if the parties have the same or similar income and you have 50/50 time, there would be no child support obligation.
Learn more about child custody service in Oklahoma.
Choose Mazaheri Law Firm for Trusted Child Support Legal Support
Our firm is dedicated to providing you with excellent legal service that is based on your individual circumstances. If you need assistance with any aspect of child support, whether as a divorced or unmarried parent, you can turn to one of our Oklahoma City child support lawyers attorneys for competent and attentive representation.

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Effective Client-Focused Legal RepresentationChild Support in Oklahoma
In Oklahoma, child support is required to be paid until the child reaches the age of 18. If still in high school, the child must continue to be supported until he or she graduates or reaches the age of 19, whichever occurs first. If the child is physically or mentally disabled, the court may require this support to continue past the age of 19. Parents can also come to an agreement to support their children through college and this can be enforced by the court. Child support is generally paid by the noncustodial parent to the parent with whom the child mainly lives.
Child support payments are determined by the state’s guidelines which is based on a formula. This formula takes into consideration the following:
- How many children will be supported
- Federal Earned Income Tax Credits
- Gross monthly incomes of both parents
- How much support is paid for children from a previous relationship
- Daycare costs
- Health insurance costs
The guidelines are based on a “standard” visitation schedule where the child spends 70 to 90 overnights with the noncustodial parent. Under Oklahoma law, shared parenting is considered to consist of each parent having 120 or more overnights each year. If more than these 120 overnights are established for the parent who is obligated to pay for support, a formula exists to make adjustments in the payment amount. Basically, the more overnights that parent has with the child, the less he or she will have to pay.
High-Income Cases
For parents with a high-income level as specified under law, courts will add an additional amount to support based on various factors, such as the child’s needs and standard of living as well as the parents’ capacity to pay.
Deviations from the support payments determined by the guidelines may be granted by the courts as long as the child’s best interests are met. These deviations are generally based on the required amount being somehow unjust or unfair to a parent or not in the child’s best interests.
Enforcement & Modifications
Child support payment enforcement falls under Oklahoma’s Child Support Services operating under the Oklahoma Department of Human Services. Parents who fail to pay support can face such actions as wage garnishment, court fines and other sanctions, and loss of professional or driver’s licenses.
Support payments can also be modified through the courts when a substantial change in one’s circumstances justify it. These are commonly based on increases or decreases in parental income or a child’s changing needs.
Reach out to us online or at (405) 645-6022 for a consultation about your child support matter today.

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